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There is a positive side to an argument, particularly when the parties involved are well informed and when the gladiators are convicted in their beliefs. I love to be an observer when two well informed opposing sides engage in superiority contest in exchange of ideas. It gives me an opportunity to learn.

The one that interests me the most is when each gladiator sells a narrative that is sympathetic to their personal belief and make it seem like the universal truth. Sometimes, they actually succeed in making others believe that theirs is the truth, depending on their communicative power and influence, even when there are not enough facts to back their claims.

In his book, How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie wrote about the nobler motive. He posited that there are usually two reasons for taking any action, the first is the real motive and the second is the nobler motive.

Carnegie theorised that you are more likely to influence people to your way of thinking if you appeal to the nobler motive. He further described the nobler motive as the reason that sounds good.

What is happening in Eastern Europe is a mind game where all the gladiators are hiding behind the real motive for their actions to appeal to the nobler motive that they want to make the world believe.

Russia continues to deny a possible invasion of Ukraine even as Russia increases military presence around the borders of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin even gave an indication of troops withdrawal to support his claim that Russia has no intention to invade Ukraine but the super powers know themselves to decipher that Putin is playing a mind game.

Ukraine civilians, out of fear of possible invasion by Russia, are said to be training for war even as the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, cries out that the western powers should not wait for Russian invasion before imposing sanctions on Russia.

America continues to blow hot that they will give it back to Russia in equal measure should Russia attempt to invade Ukraine. I watched VP Kamala Harris, arguably today’s most powerful woman in the world, speak with an unmistaken authority that America is ready for Russia, in defence of Ukraine. This is the nobler motive that America is selling to the world, the reason that sounds good.

International relations experts have argued that America’s interest in the Russian/Ukraine imbroglio is more than meets the eye. America’s real motive, they argued, is to tame Russia’s economic adventure should Russia conclude the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project with Germany and across Europe in a gas pipeline construction deal that has been concluded, only waiting to be commissioned.

Who is afraid of Russia? As all the gladiators sell their nobler motive to the world, it stands to reason for the world to be afraid of Vladimir Putin. He doesn’t even smile. A Europe that depends largely on gas supply from Russia has its implications. A more economically empowered Russia should send jitters to western powers, given Russia’s antecedents.

The mind game is getting fiercer. It would appear as if the super powers are blowing hot and cold but the likelihood of war is heightening. Whatever it will take to stop this madness, the after effects of war will be devastating across Europe and beyond. The real motives of the gladiators notwithstanding, diplomatic option is still accessible. This war is needless.

Akin Oluwadare Jnr
21 February 2022

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