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I think that passion is much deeper in meaning than we usually ascribe to it. Very often, we use the word ‘passion’ loosely but the emotional attachment to the word activates positive energy that is difficult to ignore. Passion defies the odds and it could be addictive but in a positive way.

It is not difficult to identify your passion. There is a leading question that can point you to the way of what you are passionate about. What is that thing you derive so much satisfaction doing that you will still enjoy doing even when there is no financial rewards? To some, it is a straight answer while to others, some deeper thinking is needed before they can answer.

There is something about passion. Sometimes it looks crazy, particularly when it is only you who have a deep understanding of what you are aiming at. At other times, it may not make sense to an observer and it may be difficult for you to explain for others to understand. What you shouldn’t do is to pander to the whims of others and jettison your passion simply because you want to be accepted.

If you are convinced about your passion and remain consistent, you will begin to win converts to your way of reasoning when it begins to make sense. Many a-times, your consistency in the things you are passionate about translate to money but even if it doesn’t, your enthusiasm should not wane. That is what qualifies it to be your passion.

Your passion may not translate to money and material wealth but the passion you feed with your time, resources and energy is sure to give you inner fulfillment. Don’t forget that money does not buy fulfillment but fulfillment ranks highest in man’s hierarchy of needs. This is one good reason why rich fellows yield their wealth to the search for fulfillment when they engage in charity, after making all the money, to put smiles on the faces of others.

Those who discover their passion early and build their life around it are more likely to find fulfillment faster. This category of people usually live a more enjoyable life because they find pleasure in work. What puts money in your pocket and pays your bills may not necessarily be your passion but you may be farther from fulfillment if you ignore what draws your passion because life is more than money and what money can buy.

If you are not living your passion, you may be missing something that is irreplaceable. The good thing is that no time is late to feed your emotion with the right content. I remember Pastor Taiwo Odukoya once said that every time we have a revelation is the beginning of revolution. It is alright to be addicted to what uplifts your spirit. Feed your passion.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
07 March 2022

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