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Why do we do what we do? Purpose. There is always a reason behind any action you take. At different stages in life, you do things for different reasons. At the early stages, it is more about yourself. As you graduate in age and accomplishments, the focus begins to shift from self to others. That is the true test of growth.

If you check, satisfying others at the maturity stage means satisfying yourself. You may not be able to define your satisfaction at this stage by intrinsic rewards for yourself but by the extrinsic rewards others get when you are fulfilling your own purpose. A word describes the feeling at this stage succinctly – impact.

The tree that provides shelter for others does not do so primarily because it wants to help others fulfill their purpose. It does so because it is fulfilling its own purpose. What this tells me is that if I elect to fulfill my own purpose, I can help others fulfill their purpose. In what best way do I achieve this? It is by asking myself what impact my actions make on others.

Sometimes you may not even feel like it. Many times it will not be convenient but anytime you remember that it is not only about you, the urge to work in tandem with your purpose increases because you want to find satisfaction for yourself. When your action impacts positively on others, the feeling is indescribable.

It is not about age or status, when your little acts make positive impact on others, you are fulfilling your purpose. I leave this as my parting words. That thing you call little may actually be someone’s last hope. Think about it.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
25 April 2022

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