It was long in coming but eventually, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is out. He is undoubtedly a rugged politician who, in the face of the most difficult situation, stands up to confront his burden. He is as controversial as resilient. The United Kingdom cannot forget BJ in a hurry.

As a keen follower of UK politics, I had thought that PM Boris Johnson would have been long gone as British PM after the partygate scandal. I was surprised that he survived the threat of a no confidence vote in April 2022 despite the overwhelming evidence of abuse of power when he broke his own rules at the peak of the COVID-19 restrictions.

That PM BJ held on to power after the partygate scandal had nothing to do with his sagacity. It was more of the usual ‘politricks’ of ruling parties to cling to power even in the face of damaging scandals. The tories’ decision to keep BJ in power was not due to their love for him but a power game to keep the conservatives in power following the fallouts of Brexit under Boris Johnson. Same scenario played out to America’s Donald Trump during the inglorious invasion of the US Capitol on 06 January 2021

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be remembered most for his hard stance on Brexit when, as an MP, he and MP Nikel Farage spearheaded the campaign for the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union in 2016. BJ had his eye on the top seat in 2016 but he was discerning enough to know that temper was too hot for him to be accepted by 48% UK remain voters who were extremely shocked by the outcome of the referendum.

Recall that the call for referendum by the then sitting Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the eventual vote for Brexit saw the exit of PM Cameron from office as he couldn’t preside over what he didn’t believe in. PM Cameron was a remain campaigner before the citizens of the United Kingdom voted 52% : 48% to leave the European Union.

PM Theresa May took the baton from PM David Cameron but she couldn’t do much to deliver on Brexit. Recall that PM Theresa May was also originally a remain campaigner. She threw in the towel after her unsuccessful attempt to get the job done. This reinforces the common saying that it is difficult to achieve what you don’t believe in.

The lot fell on PM Boris Johnson after the exit of PM Theresa May because the UK needed a firm believer in Brexit to lead the UK out of the EU. Many like me wondered if the controversial Boris Johnson’s character would not betray him on the top job but there are times when character gives way to capacity if the ship needs rescue at the middle of the sea. PM Boris Johnson’s assumption of the top seat in the UK was one of such moments.

Like him or hate him, PM Boris Johnson didn’t pretend to be in politics to be loved. He pursued his conviction with the strongest passion and led the UK out of the EU in response to the wishes of the simple majority of UK citizens who voted for a break from the union. Another confirmation that leadership is not necessarily about niceties when critical decisions are involved.

The fall of PM Boris Johnson from the exalted office didn’t come to many by surprise. It is just a reminder that character is like smoke. I actually did not think that BJ would stay this long in office because of the peculiar nature of UK politics that is not regimented to specific tenure so long as the PM loses the confidence of members of parliament.

The last straw that broke the camel’s back was PM Johnson’s cover up of MP Chris Pincher who was accused of sexual misconduct. Reports later had it that PM Boris Johnson was properly briefed on MP Pincher’s questionable behaviour but this did not stop him from appointing the latter as deputy chief whip. This was a claim PM Johnson denied until it was proven by one of his aides.

Leadership is tasking. Leadership can be burdensome when things go wrong and a leader in the true sense is expected to carry his burden and take responsibility. When it mattered most, PM Johnson dropped the ball. The same Boris Johnson who withstood combined hostilities at the peak of Brexit controversy failed the test of leadership when he began to cover lies with lies until the cup became full and started overflowing.

There is a great lesson to learn from the United Kingdom. The lesson for me is how the key cabinet members and a retinue of aides of PM Boris Johnson dissociated themselves from his character deficiency and started resigning in droves until he became so naked not to have a choice but to throw in the towel. Now, I’m thinking. Nigeria on my mind.

The United Kingdom will be fine. The system is self pruning and self correcting. PM Boris Johnson has resigned as the leader of the Conservative Party, that in effect makes him to cease to be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He still holds the position in trust as caretaker until his successor is named. So long for the Brexit champion who failed the test of leadership.

PM Boris Johnson will be remembered for his obstinacy even when he is wrong but the United Kingdom will never forget him as the lion who led the UK out of the EU when the UK needed a navigator. I like his guts but not his character. PM Boris Johnson got the job done, now his job is gone.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
10 July 2022

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