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An average man sees fault in others faster than he sees in himself. It is not necessarily out of bad behaviour. You will see a stain on your neighbour’s nose faster than you see a stain on your own nose, not minding that your nose is the closest to your eyes. Nature made it so.

People are going through stuff. The economy is not smiling. To maintain social status has become more expensive. People break promises not for lack of character but for lack of capacity. You may think you are affected more than others but dare not compare your story with others. You will be humbled.

Many are bleeding but are still leading. Think twice before you condemn anyone for not meeting your expectations. The one you blame for not helping out is probably looking up to someone who is looking up to another someone who is unable to help because of dashed expectations.

Is respite in sight? It doesn’t appear so in the immediate. The Russian/Ukraine war is not abating. Energy crisis pervades Europe. Food shortage traverses Africa, no thanks to insecurity. The Asian market is not immune. America grapples with rising cost of living. It is the same story across the continents.

Fear is rife that the global price hike trend could attract a global recession. United Kingdom just increased interest rate by 50 basis points from 1.75% to 2.25%. Nigeria did same in July with a hike by 100 basis points from 13% to 14%. It is likely to go higher as MPC meeting holds this week. It was a whopping 300 basis points increase from 19% to 22% in neighbouring Ghana this last August. The story is not different anywhere else.

What do I suggest to the man (or woman) in the mirror?

• Forge meaning. In other words, build an identity for yourself. I do not mean that building an identity automatically translates to success but you should be known for something anytime your name is mentioned. There is a reason for it.

• Build capacity. Don’t let rewards be your immediate focus. Grow silently. Delay gratification.

• Be ingenious in your art or trade. The world is moving so fast, there is no room for stagnancy.

• Diversify. If you have to, seek knowledge beyond your primary duty. The world has become so interconnected, no skill is wasted.

• Moderate your expectations. Expect more disappointments. Some answers you seek from afar are close by. Do not seek big solutions to small problems.

• Build your network. Make friends, not because you expect to reap from it but because you need more friends than enemies. Everybody should not be your friend but what do you need enemies for?

At periodic intervals, subject yourself to self-examination to test your inner strength and ability to withstand the vicissitudes of life. What you make of the man (or woman) in the mirror is all in your hands.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
26 September 2022

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Oni idowu Obaseki

    Excellent thoughts. But average Nigerians will never believe what we are passing through as a country is Global trend. Infact, UK had entered Recession.
    As you have rightly said sir, one needs to think out to sustain.
    Much thanks for your insightful words.

    1. admin

      Thanks for your contribution Oni idowu

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