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Hello 2023.

It is a season of wishes. For the grace to be alive to witness this brand new year, here is wishing you a prosperous 2023 filled with pleasant surprises.

Wishes become dreams when taken beyond mere talk. Dreams broken down to achievable goals inspire positive energy towards realisation. Someone said goals are dreams with deadlines and I said it’s true.

I have seen career goals. I have heard about corporate goals. I have read about spiritual goals. I have learnt about investment goals. I have written about educational goals but I have not heard so much about health goals.

Hello 2023, if you indulge me, I would wish to put you on a three way call with my reader, just to find out if health goal is on the long list of his/her new year resolutions.

Health goal is probably unpopular because it depends more on lifestyle than money. The things that help to preserve good health are not expensive. No wonder good health is always taken for granted. Take a
moment to reflect on that.

If you have good health, what helps you to maintain your good health are more lifestyle related than medical dependent.

You probably don’t need a medical doctor to tell you to drink lots of water but you will need the services of a medical doctor to deal with the consequences of not drinking enough water.

You may choose to live a stressless life but you may not be able to entirely shield yourself from a stressful environment. The decision to manage stress has nothing to do with medical research but the effect of unmanaged stress may need medical prescription.

Hello reader, I have seen people succeed in their career goals with dint of hard work. I have joined to celebrate those who accomplish their investment goals with sense of fulfillment.

Hear this – many dreams get shattered, many empires crumble even after the dreamer has succeeded in all the lofty goals with precision but failed in his health goals.

It is either because there was never a health goal or the health goal was relegated for other important life goals.

Which one really qualifies more for life goal? The one that relates directly to life itself or the ones that depend on life? Only a healthy person enjoys the spoils of his conquest in whatever pursuit.

If your 2023 goals do not include your health goal, it is not too late to revisit. You can fail in one of many goals and still remain standing but if your health fails, all the others count for less.

Have a health goal 2023.

Hello 2023, Happy New Year

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
02 January 2023

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