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Recently, I did an audit of my friends list to be sure that I am not depleting my network of friends. As a social and political animal that I am, it is practically impossible not to have my opinion on how I am governed.

I realised that a good way to preserve my circle of friends is to avoid deep political conversation with some of them who are so convicted about their political beliefs and would yield to no view different from what they desire.

Nothing divides like politics but nothing unites like politics. It sounds like a paradox but don’t they say the only permanent aspect of politics is interest? I have seen erstwhile sworn enemies unite, in quest for power, to the consternation of their observers. It is what it is.

Like it or hate it, politics leads. Even if you don’t agree, politics controls everything. We got to where we are because many believed that politics is not their business and would rather mind their business. How wrong!

Things have changed. The political atmosphere has become maximally charged. Nigerians have never been more politically aware but never have we been so intolerant of opposing views like we have seen in recent times.

Of concern to me is that friends are sacrificing their friendships on the altar of difference in political beliefs. Can we still be friends even if my interest is not the same as yours? I’d rather that we suspend political discussions than suspend our friendship.

It’s intriguing how easily the major political actors are able to mend fences with their political foes to forge a common interest at short notice but their supporters vilify their friends for exercising their right to choose what they believe. Still, we claim to be in a free world.

If friendship matters to you, you may have to do an audit of your friends to be sure you have not offended any of them for believing what you believe and for saying what you believe.

We all need our peace of mind. I want mine and I value our friendship. Please, permit me to ask, even if I don’t believe what you believe, if I don’t see things the way you see it, can we still be friends?

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
23 January 2023

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