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Many would wish to have an omelette without breaking any egg but there is no record of such gains without pains in ancient and modern history. Some would argue that Nigeria got her independence too cheaply and took development for granted when there was surplus, that we failed to project far into the future. It may appear a coincidence but I think it is symbolic that Nigeria is witnessing a rebirth on her 60th anniversary as Nigeria clocked 60 on 01 October 2020.

The #endSARS protest opened another chapter in Nigeria’s history and I dare say that Nigeria will never remain the same again. In the aftermath, there have been pains, some quite excruciating. There are gains, enormous gains, even if not immediately visible. There are also some exaggerated assumptions that look real. I would wish that any loss is avoided to give Nigeria a rebirth but wishes are not horses.


A nobly intended protest started well with accolades across the borders but ended with loss of lives and assets

The most devastating pain is the one related to loss of lives because any life lost is irreplaceable. Innocent lives were lost to this protest, quite unfortunately. Let us also not forget many lives that have been lost due to hunger, insecurity and curable diseases on account of leadership or lack of it

Hardworking and innocent Nigerians have lost valuable assets, unfortunately. Some of them may not recover from the shock

Public assets have been destroyed in monumental proportion. Sadly enough, the less privileged will always be at the receiving end

It is saddening to see the high level of poverty, degradation and hunger in the land as revealed by the busting of different COVID-19 palliative warehouses across the country

Consciously and unconsciously, crime is being aided and abetted with positive vibes even as underage children join in the looting of private homes of citizens who are deemed to have acquired their assets with public funds. Crime remains crime, no matter the description


For the first time in the history of Nigeria, the political class is visibly shaken and a statement was made in unequivocal terms that they are not invincible

Nigerian youths for the umpteenth time have come to the realisation of the enormous powers they have which they have been channelling wrongly

The agitation momentarily arrested the peace and attention of the powers that be. This has energised the younger Nigerians that they can change the course of action and take their country back from recycled leaders

Now we know that if we do not bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots, it is only a matter of time before the bubble will burst

Social media has ceded enormous power to the citizenry. It is almost impossible now to hide bad leadership. However, social media is a two edged sword, it accounted for the success of the agitation and it aborted the success prematurely.


There have been exaggerated assumptions that the youths can displace the present leaders in one fell swoop. It doesn’t happen that way.

In their bid to give Nigeria a new direction, the literate populace is still underrating the place of the uninformed and uneducated populace. Those guys can derail the best intention, they just did.

The literate and informed youths started the agitation. The middle class bought into it and it became largely successful. The uninformed and uneducated youths messed up the progression and introduced criminality. We have a common name for them, we call them ‘the hoodlums’ but they are a creation of our society and they are redeemable. For this battle to succeed, everyone is a stakeholder. #endSARS reminded us, in case we have forgotten.

Spontaneously, I have been seeing a symbol of a Nigerian Youth Democratic Party and I sense this ecstasy in the air that Nigerian youths are ready to take the baton by force. Possible as it is for the youths to take over leadership at the centre in Nigeria, I believe that this ambition is exaggerated in the current context. Forming a party requires better planning

The youths in the relatively literate southern Nigeria assume that their overwhelming determination can stretch beyond the Niger to a predominantly illiterate north. This is an illusion and the north has the numbers

I have a feeling that Nigerian youths are equating popularity with leadership. I think leadership entails more than oratory prowess or economic success


The battle for the soul of Nigeria can be initiated on social media, it can be taken to the street as we witnessed with #endSARS, but the real fight is inside the polling booth

The real revolution is for every Nigerian youth to obtain his or her voter card as a preliminary determination to make the desired change

Power is not freely given, it has to be taken and power is not on the street where the protest is more potent

The informed and educated youths have to engage the uninformed and uneducated youths before this change can become real

Having a new political party that is more youthful in composition and content is highly desirable but the youths still need a face of tested hands in leadership positions, not necessarily experienced politicians in the present crop of leadership but also not by virtue of the number of followership on Instagram or Twitter

Every right thinking Nigerian desires a change to a more purposeful leadership in the presidency, outside the two dominant political parties, in 2023. This is a legitimate desire but it is not a battle for the lily livered

As Nigerian youths aim for the sky, I recommend a gradual seizure of power from the flanks by having as many credible candidates aspiring to the various state houses of assembly and the National Assembly through alternative political party(ies) to weaken the present dominant parties that have shown difference only in nomenclature but not in character.

This generation can change the course of action for Nigeria. It takes courage, determination, planning and the willingness to try. This battle can be won. Nigeria can rise again.


©️akinjnr 2020

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