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Every man likes affirmation. No man enjoys criticism but again, any man whose views go unchallenged all the time should watch his back.

It is not an evidence of bravery, neither does it pass for unmatched wisdom for you to have opinion that is always right.

If you get keep getting a yes to all you say, chances are that you have been isolated to your delusion that you know it all. A fool is better than a wise man who takes pride in being right all the time.

A critic is not supposed to be an enemy, depending on his motive for criticising. It is not enough to have the right motive, your motive for criticising must be clearly stated.

A critic becomes an enemy if his motive deducts value rather than add value to the subject. If I mean well for you, it is unlikely I get you to see reason with me if I have to debase your dignity to pass my message.

Someone said that I should refrain from giving unsolicited advice but I disagreed with reasons. Unsolicited advice is not bad but the motive must be unambiguously stated and the dignity of the receiver must be well protected.

Criticism adds more meaning if you have a good understanding of the subject and you must have alternative suggestions to convince the person you are criticising of the value you are bringing to the table.

One of the many reasons our politics lacks depth in Nigeria in the present dispensation is the quality of opposition. We had it better than what obtains today at the early stages of our self government, particularly in the first and second republics.

The ruling parties at every level of government treat opposition with contempt because they are unable to deduce value from opposing views. Instead of providing alternatives, opposition spews hatred and resort to mudslinging.

For lack of quality engagement, the head of the ruling parties become the lord of the manor and completely obfuscate the opposition and render them inconsequential.

Opposition is supposed to be part of government, not in policy formulation but in scrutinising government policies and providing alternatives for good governance.

When the opposition sees itself as an anti-government agency, the governed become the victims as they are served with what is available but not what is desirable.

Leadership is influence. If I am unable to understand the value your opposing views will add to me, it is unlikely I will subject myself to your influence.

Criticise me if you want, but let me be a better person after listening to you. If your criticism will leave me worse than you met me, there is no point.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
09 January 2023

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