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Welcome to 2024. You might have achieved all your goals and more for 2023. Maybe you met it half way. It could also be that the hope for the realisation of your goals for 2023 was deferred. Own the moment, every season is for a reason.

There are several reasons your goals might not have been achieved or delayed. Maybe you had some disappointments. Or perhaps you experienced scarcity of resources, but what if I tell you that abundance does not equate the fulfillment of purpose?

If you have ever experienced scarcity, you would readily wish it away. I also would but there are more lessons to learn in scarcity than when there is more than enough of anything. Optimise your moment of lack so you don’t miss it when there is abundance.

Every season in your life has its reason. Don’t despise the season you don’t wish for. Rather, pay attention to the lessons, many of which may be hidden in lack or disappointments. Whatever you lack presents you an opportunity to explore.

Ponder a moment. Some couples wish for a big house they cannot afford when raising a family but by the time they have enough money to build a house big enough to accommodate a big family, their children would have grown to start their own lives. That is an example of when abundance does not match its purpose.

Be mindful not to view lack strictly from negative lens. Some discoveries are products of lack or disappointment but you have to be positive minded to carve ability from inability.

If you achieved your goals for 2023 and your vision for 2024 is clear, I rejoice with you. Be grateful. It takes a grateful heart to break new grounds after achieving something great. When you achieve your goal, set a new one immediately.

Even if your goals for 2023 were not achieved and your vision for 2024 still appears blurry, please don’t despair. Stay positive to complete what you started. Don’t also forget that lack, just like disappointment, also births purpose. Every season is for a reason.

I wish you God speed in 2024.


©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr.
01 January 2024.

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