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It’s 2022. Goal setting should not necessarily follow a pattern but it is common to set goals at the dawn of a new calendar year. Sometimes the goals are clear, at other times they could be blurry. Even if everything appears blurry, you still have to set goals for your journey not to be aimless. I hope to find a company in you as we journey through 2022.

You have to be sure of what you want, else you will be swimming with the tides and this could be dangerous. The ideas that form in your mind may not make sense at first but ideas are not fully formed until you get started. When your goals become clearer and you begin to make sense of it, that is a good time to ringfence your goals from undue influence. Keep it locked.

God can give your friend five talents if He deposited in him the capacity to manage the five talents to flourish. The same God can give you just one talent if He knows that your single talent will take you to your place of destiny. If you are not discerning, you can leave your one talent and start chasing the path your friend is treading if things are working for him. That journey will lead you to nowhere. It is dangerous to travel fast in the wrong direction.

Fame works for some people depending on the path they chose but it is not all that is famous that is purposeful. Some people are created to promote others to fame and they quietly fulfill their purpose. If such people attempt role reversal, the result may not be the same. You have to be sure of what works for you and be consistent. When your goals are set, keep it locked.

Please don’t allow other people’s perception to define who you are because you want them to like you. Some people may not like you because they don’t like what you like. That does not make you less valuable, it only reinforces your uniqueness. You can make more friends in two days liking people than you can in two years wanting to make people to like you.

Be mindful from whom you crave affirmation. Some people don’t mind discounting your personality to make you feel accepted. You may stoop to conquer but please, do not sell your dignity for a value less than your true worth. It has repercussions. If you dance to every music to be loved and accepted by everybody, you will lose your identity. When you lose your identity, you start living someone else’s life. That is a dangerous way to live.

Maybe you have ever felt that you are falling behind in your dreams, it is not abnormal. If you are in your 40s, maybe approaching 50s, you might have heard of midlife crisis when your self confidence begins to suffer attack of identity transition. Let me remind you of the story of the bamboo tree.

A bamboo tree takes a longer time to spread its roots deeply into the ground but when the foundation is strong enough, the tree sprouts and blossoms in no time to the amazement of a diligent observer. What you need is a vision broken down to achievable goals. Next is focus and commitment immune from undue influence. Keep it locked.

Welcome to 2022. I will be here all through the journey. Here is wishing you an amazing year ahead.

Happy New Year.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
03 January 2022

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