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Nothing good comes easy. Of all the rules of life, love stands tall. Even the book of life, The Bible, commanded that you should love your neighbour as yourself. It sounds easy but it is not as easy as it sounds to love.

Nobody said it’s going to be easy but love is a beautiful thing. Difficult as it is to love your neighbour, it is more difficult for you to measure your love for yourself because no one is complaining of lack of love.

Before you can love your neighbour, the first rule you must obey is to love yourself. If you are not the vigilant type, you may get carried away trying to show love to others without observing the first rule. It has repercussions.

Self love is not selfishness. For you to love others selflessly, you have to first love yourself so you can show love to others in its raw form and with a pure heart, without playing to the gallery.

The heart is the symbol of love. It is big enough to accommodate love for all. Love your neighbour but please, don’t replace your love for self with love for others.

You are the garment that houses your big heart from where love flows. Know this and know peace – those who use a fine garment to clean the floor are the first to call it a rag.

Love rules.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
08 January 2024

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