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Riches and wealth are sometimes used interchangeably but the two don’t have an exact meaning. To be rich means to have a lot of possessions and material wealth but to be wealthy speaks to having sustainable and lasting wealth. In other words, to have possessions that can reproduce itself.

I searched a little further and I found out that even though there is a distinction between the two, both riches and wealth are still linked to material possessions only. This is where I object slightly to the dictionary meaning of wealth as not being encompassing enough.

I wrote sometimes back where I said “accountants count their net worth in figures, sometimes they add goodwill but if you want to count your own net worth, don’t forget to add good health”. Does this sound familiar? Beyond health, permit me to add that goodwill is spendable.

I witnessed a burial ceremony where two siblings bade their mother farewell. One has riches and he is wealthy, according to the dictionary meaning of riches and wealth. The other is neither rich nor wealthy, again, according to the dictionary meaning of riches and wealth.

The one with riches and wealth provided more than enough for his guests to eat and drink. His side of the reception venue was elegant with class. There were variety of foods and the drinks were exotic but the chairs were empty.

The other sibling provided for his guests sparingly according to his meagre resources. He did not pretend to be rich or wealthy but his corner of the reception venue was overflowing with guests, invited and uninvited. His guests did not mind to stand on their legs or use their laps as table, just to honour their host.

The climax was when his guests started bringing their food and drinks to serve themselves. They had a mission, drinking exotic wine or eating expensive food was not part of it. That was the day I knew the true meaning of wealth, different from what my dictionary taught me.

If your name can open some doors based on your antecedents or by virtue of a legacy you are riding on, your are probably wealthier than you think, even with your lean bank account.

Wealth is more than what the dictionary says it is. If you are able to eat when you like, even if not what you like, if you are able to sleep when you want and you are able to pass waste unaided, you are wealthier than you think.

Health, they say, is the new wealth. I have something else to add. Your goodwill can be spent like currency to buy what your money cannot buy. It reminds me of the legendary Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley). He said some people are so poor, all they have is money.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
30 September 2024

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ayomide

    This is best of all time sir you keep inspiring me when I read all your books online

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