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Civilisation comes with lots of advantages. Modernisation offers more ingenious ways to aid human interaction. Technology provides tools for ease of doing business but there has not been an alternative to the human factor. It is unlikely there will ever be.

Social security should be taught and learnt as early as when a child begins to learn ABC. In advanced climes, an individual is given a social security number that captures all information about him to the tiniest detail. This underscores the importance of social security.

In recent times, a cursory look at reported cases of suicide clearly reveals that economic problem is not the biggest problem humans are dealing with. This should redirect our thought on the need to revisit our social interactions.

Money plays a big role in human existence. This explains why man unconsciously prioritise economic security, but to think that financial security can make up for laxity in social security is to reduce life to figures. Life is too complex to be solved by a mathematical equation.

A growing child should be taught the essence of building social security alongside educational pursuit and economic security. None is mutually exclusive. At every step of the journey, right from elementary through tertiary education to middle age, any opportunity lost to invest in social capital is lost.

The rich man down the road may have other concerns that money cannot solve. If no one asks him, he is left to deal with it alone but he is human too. If you only call your rich uncle when you need financial assistance, you leave him to think that no one cares for him but he has feelings too.

The modern age has put the world on our palms but relationships built online, devoid of human touch easily evaporate with time. They are built in the air, without roots. Secure yourself socially, it is less expensive.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
21 November 2022

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