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Some events do not need our permission to find a space in our consciousness. Like it or not, you cannot wish Valentine’s Day away even if you don’t believe in it. Irrespective of your faith, Christian, Muslim, Hindus or even if you are a free thinker, whichever of the stories about St. Valentine’s Day you choose to believe, one thing that is not controvertible is that love is at the centre of valentine.

When love leads, there is less strive and more peace. The good thing is that it is more natural to love than to hate. This is why children are the best definition of love. Put children of different backgrounds together and you will see boundless love on display. They disagree, they quarrel but the next minute, they are together again. Children don’t usually know the meaning of hate until they are conscious enough to start adding meaning to words and actions. This they learn with age and from adults.

Sometimes all you need to have a breath of fresh air is to have a break from routine and just be soft on yourself. St Valentine’s Day presents a good opportunity to express boundless love that melts all elements of hate. Love has many descriptions but I know that love is childish. When love leads, peace dwells, when peace dwells, love rules, when love rules, hate takes flight. Love conquers all.

There are times I wish I can be a child again to express love in its purest form. I just want to wish you a happy Valentine’s Day.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
14 February 2022

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