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We live in a mobile world where everything is happening at the speed of light. Innovation is catching up with those who are too stereotyped to be bothered. The upwardly mobile have an eye for the slightest opportunity and they waste no time to seize it for personal gains and self development. Whenever it is time for you to move to the next level, please close the door gently behind you.

To be called restless is no longer an abuse. Restlessness in the current age best describes the innovative and creative fellows who are causing the needed disruptions in a fast changing world. Even in your restless state, you can still be patient and pay attention to little details. It is very risky to be restless and impatient at the same time so you are not blinded to the path that can get you to your destination faster.

An age long research in the Andrew Carnegie Institute of Technology once revealed that only 15% of one’s success is due to his technical know-how while the remaining 85% is due to his skills in human engineering. In other words, human relationship building. If the outcome of that research means anything to you, then if you have to change level, walk away without using the harsh words.

Sometimes the feelings are hurtful but leave no door permanently closed, it may be the gateway to your destination someday. If you have not been betrayed before, you might have betrayed someone but don’t forget that only the trusted betrays.

The word betrayal has meaning only when trust was present. If someone you did not trust disappointed you, it won’t be right for you to call it betrayal. Even in your hurtful state, if you have to close the door, please do not slam it. You may even leave it ajar and you may find out that it was never closed behind you if you have to walk through it again.

Distasteful words are hard to swallow. When the urge becomes strong to speak distasteful words, it is better to remain silent and leave room for assumptions than to open your mouth and remove all doubts.

Taste your words before you speak to know if it will be edible in case you have to take it back. Sometimes you may have to eat your vomit if it is edible and sweet. Bitter words are difficult to take back.Some words are better reserved, even it they are true. Close the door gently, you may need to walk through it one more time.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
25 October 2021

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