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Imagination is a powerful tool in decision making. Sometimes, creating different scenarios and possible outcomes in your mind can lead you to arriving at a sound judgement, particularly when there is pressure to make a hasty decision.

Sometimes, I get lost in thought and I ask myself some rhetorical questions. What if all of us are stars in what we do and we all become highly successful? Would there be any gap at all or everything would be just fine?

Maybe if we ponder that even those we consider easily dispensable around us have a gap they cover, just maybe we will be more tolerant of one another and accord some level of dignity to the weakest among us.

Before you call your driver a blockhead, do you imagine how effective you would be in the boardroom if you have to combine his job with yours on daily basis? If he is as “successful” as you are, maybe you would both be looking for a driver who is also looking for a driver.

Sometimes, we get carried away by our exploits that we tend to forget that some of us are not whom we craved to be in order to provide the needed support for some of us to be whom we want to be. In essence, each party is fulfilling a purpose. Ironically, some of those in the former category are more fulfilled than their bosses.

You may not know the importance of a noisy neighbour until you have an emergency in a quiet neighbourhood where everybody minds his business. For every choice, there is an alternative forgone.

On a typical work day, just simulate a scenario in your mind, where all the cleaners in your workplace decide not to report for duty and imagine how good you could be at cleaning the mess that they, sometimes, do smiling and singing.

Every team has its strength and weakness. Even the assumed laggards in your team have their roles if you can harness their diversity. Some are good at planning while some are better at execution. Some are thinkers while some are doers. Some enjoy visibility but some don’t. You need a perfect combination of all categories for best results.

Before you trample upon the dignity of the slow movers in your team to inflate the ego of the high flyers, imagine a football team where all eleven players are attackers without any member falling back to prevent a leak. Just imagine it.

Thank God it’s Monday.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr.
23 September 2024

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