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Different people have different ways of measuring their progress but if you are one who sets goals, you will find it easier to measure your progress and possibly retrace your steps when the journey begins to traverse desired destination with no commensurate results.

That you are a fast runner does not guarantee your winning if you don’t understand the rules or if you don’t know when to stop and take stock of your progress. A fast runner who forgot to set a goal may overshoot the runway but still keep running when others are already gathering their spoils. Reason they say speed is not the same as progress.

More importantly, don’t forget you when you set your goals. I have seen people focus on their goals that they forget themselves only to find out that what is left of them is inadequate to achieve the goals they set for themselves. The goal is for you and not you for the goal, remember?

There is no gain without pain is a common saying. I liken it to a physical exercise. Any exercise that does not give you a measure of pain and discomfort is unlikely to produce the desired fitness but if you continue to bear an overbearing pain in a physical exercise, you may not live to see the gain.

The who you become in the process of achieving your goal is as important as the achievement of the goal itself. Sometimes, what becomes of you is more important than the goal. Don’t forget to always carry your identity along with you in the journey in order that you don’t lose yourself when you eventually breast the tape.

If you set your goal in isolation of other critical factors, your success in one may not compensate for others, unfortunately. Anyhow you choose to set your goals, make health goal your priority. You may fail in one or more goals and still remain standing but if your health fails, all the other goals count for less.

Some victories are worthless. Victory is sweeter when the victor is the one telling the story. Never leave yourself behind to pursue your goals. The fortune you seek to put a smile on your face should not take your smile away.

Thank God it’s Monday.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr.
14 October 2024

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