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I’m excited to see the dawn of 2021. Mercy did it, grace abound. Mine is an attitude of gratitude, to God and to you. THANK YOU.

Regardless of the divide you belong in a war situation, whether the victorious side or the subdued side, if there is an attribute of war, it is the gathering of the spoils of war or the rueing of the losses in preparation for a rebuild. With gratitude, we won victory over 2020. Hallelujah. 2021 provides humanity with the opportunity of a fresh start. Welcome to a new beginning.

2020 was like a warfront when the strength and resilience of humanity was put to test. We all fought a battle that we were ill-prepared for, a battle we knew very little about. We overrated our wisdom and underestimated our vulnerability. More than ever before, now we know that we are as strong as our weakest link. We should be wiser, at least.

Somehow, humanity is wading through the lessons that 2020 taught us. At least we now know that the strength of humanity is not in nuclear weapons or the most funded armoury. The mighty stumbled where the assumed Lilliputians kept fighting with their feeble weapons. Now we know that it is God over us all.

If there is any moment to have a sober reflection, it should be at the start of 2021. That we are alive is by His grace. It has nothing to do with how faithful we are, neither does it depend on how God favoured us over those who didn’t make it. It is by sheer mercy. We are grateful with humility.

God has a biblical counsel for us in Obadiah 1:17 – But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance. And there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.

May God restore all that we lost and give us a fresh start.


©️ akinjnr 2021

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