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Live life from the positive side. Truly, there are times when smiling does not truly reflect your mood but the person that will be purpose fulfilling cannot define life from the blurry lens and still expect to see clearly. For every one reason to be moody, there are two reasons to be grateful.

It will appear as if we are wired to think that what characterises life itself are the activities we form around it. The urge to succeed leaves us acquiring that we, sometimes, forget to give more so we can acquire more.

Sometimes when I think about life and how stories change in a flash, I wish we can all be in hurry to touch all the lives we could touch no matter how unplanned. For the knowledge and material acquisitions, humanity should benefit from your acquisition for it to make meaning.

You have at least someone that you admire. Maybe more than one, but what if I remind you that countless number look up to you in spite of your perceived shortcomings? Maybe, just maybe you will choose to live life from the positive side and not define your life by your weakness.

However young or old you are, before you can be said to have fulfilled your purpose after you are done and gone, you should know by now if you are living a life of purpose.

Andrew Carnegie was the owner of a manufacturing firm. He wrote an epitaph of himself to be written on his tombstone – “here lies the one who knew how to get around him those who are cleverer than himself”. What would you want to be remembered for?

I don’t mean to scare you but the wise ones don’t wait till their old age before they start writing their own epitaph. Your daily life is a testament of your epitaph. When you’re done and gone, what would you wish to be written on your tombstone? Live life from the positive side.

©️Akin Oluwadare Jnr
15 November 2021

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